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G Arwin štěňátka od 8 týdnů do 4 měsíců / G Arwin babbies from 8 weeks till 4 months
Děkujeme všem majitelům za jejich lásku a péči a za tyto krásné fotky
 Thanks to their owners for their love and care and for these beautiful photos
Gamble on Me
Ginger Rose
Giacomo d´Opera with his friend Sabrina
Ginger Rose
Glamour Night after the arrival to Finland
Ginger Rose
Glimmer of Hope with her little owner Nina
Glamour Night sleeping so calmly
Giacomo d´Opera
Glamour Night - crazy rabbits run
Giacomo d´Opera with his happy owner
Gamble on Me with his happy owner
Gamble on Me with his happy owner
Gimmer of Hope with her little owner
Gamble on Me with the tasty bone
Glamour Night falling in love
Glimmer of Hope with her gang
Groovy Boy + Ginger Rose
Gamble on Me
Giacomo d´Opera with his new friend Akim
Gamble on Me saying Good Bye
Glimmer of Hope with her new friend Jersey
Ginger Rose
Glamour Night
Ginger Rose
Glimmer of Hope
Groovy Boy
Groovy Boy stealing my camera
Glamour Night and the training for Junior handling
Ginger Rose
Groovy Boy
Glamour Night
Glimmer of Hope

Giacomo d´Opera


© Arwin - Kristýna Hrdličková, +420 739 053959, arwin@seznam.cz