Date |
Place |
Class |
Placement |
Judge |
05.05.2007 |
Club Show Lysá nad Labem (CZ) |
puppy |
VP1 |
MUDr.M.Raba, CZ |
02.09.2007 |
International Dog Show Mladá Boleslav (CZ) |
junior |
Exc.1, CAJC |
A.Mudra, CZ |
15.09.2007 |
Club Show Mladá Boleslav (CZ) |
junior |
Exc.1, CAJC |
MVDr.M.Vitásek, CZ |
18.11.2007 |
International Dog Show Prague (CZ) |
junior |
Exc.1, CAJC, Crufts 2008
Qualification |
Ing.A.Košťálová |
completed all conditions for Czech
junior champion |
completed all conditions for Club junior
champion |
20.12.2007 |
Czech Junior Champion title officially
awarded |
10.02.2008 |
International Dog Show Brno (CZ) |
intermediate |
Exc.3 |
Ing.L.Jančík, CZ |
16.02.2008 |
Club Junior Champion title officially
awarded |
24.02.2008 |
1.CBD-CAC Show Glauchau (D) |
open |
Exc.1, VDH-Anw., CAC, Beste
Hündin |
B.Spoljari, CRO |
23.03.2008 |
International Dog Show Prague (CZ) |
open |
Exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB |
Ing.A.Košťálová, CZ |
26.04.2008 |
National Dog Show Dresden (D) |
open |
Exc.1, VDH-Anw., CAC, Beste
Hündin |
L. de Ridder-Onghena, B |
03.05.2008 |
Club Show Lysá nad Labem (CZ) |
intermediate |
Exc.2, res. CAC |
MUDr.M.Raba, CZ |
18.05.2008 |
National Dog Show Jelenia Gora (PL) |
open |
V1, NSwR |
E. Junikiewicz, PL |
completed all conditions for Club champion |
National Dog Show Mladá Boleslav (CZ) |
intermediate |
Exc.3 |
RNDr.J.Ovesná, CZ |
03.08.2008 |
National Dog Show Legnica (PL) |
open |
Exc.1, CWC, NSwR, BOB |
J.Szczepanska-Korpetta, PL |
21.09.2007 |
National Dog Show Zielona Gora (PL) |
intermediate |
Exc.1, CWC |
J.Olszewski, PL |
27.09.2008 |
International Dog Show Ceske
Budejovice (CZ) |
open |
Exc.2, res. CAC |
Ing.A.Košťálová, CZ |
16.11.2008 |
International Dog Show Prague (CZ) |
open |
Exc.3 |
Z.Erdősné Balogh, HU |
21.02.2009 |
Champion title officially awarded |
08.11.2009 |
International Dog Show Prague (CZ) |
open |
Exc.1, CAC, CACIB |
Mudr.M.Raba, CZ |
28.03.2010 |
International Dog Show Katowice (PL) |
open |
VG3 |
I.Mioč,CRO |
02.05.2010 |
International Dog Show Prague (CZ) |
open |
Crufts 2011 Qualification |
M.Václavík, CZ |
06.06.2010 |
International Dog Show Leszno (PL) |
open |
Exc.2 |
M.Zasada, PL |
10 years |
2,5 years |
2,5 years |
2,5 years |
2,5 years |
15 months |
15 months |
15 months |
10 months |
10 months |
10 months |
10 months |
6 months |
6 months |
5,5 months |
5,5 months |
5,5 months |
5,5 months |
5,5 months |
5,5 months |
3,5 months |
3,5 months |
3,5 months |
7 weeks |
7 weeks |
39 days |
39 days |
39 days |
20 days |
20 days |
20 days |
20 days |
9 days |
9 days |
9 days |
Juillermo vom Vagabunden |
Ny´s High Roller of Rodonna |
Rodonnas Rollin Seven´s |
Rodonnas Stackin The Deck |
Princess By Jazzman |
Stackin The Deck´s Lucky Charm |
Rodonnas Stackin The Deck |
Baci´s Nut´n´ Honey |
Esperanza vom Vagabunden |
Stella Polariz Jazzzman Rodonna |
Top Shelf´s Mr.Destiny |
Stella Polariz Daizy |
Chiara vom Vagabunden |
Stella Polariz Bit of a Treat |
Anuschka von der Lohe |
Dew Cherry od Půlnočního slunce |
Cabanterra Orlando |
Barra´s Rey Carmelito |
Top Shelf Absolut Sherman |
Malibu´s Yen for Barra |
Up to Date Arabella |
Cabanterra Gennaro |
Farina v.Schenkensee |
Angel Sheena od Půlnočního slunce |
Stella Polaris Jazzman Rodonna |
Top Shelf Mr.Destiny |
Stella Polaris Daizy |
Bentrila Hanapa |
Aris Jakub-Terra |
Bianca Klar-Kan |